Ramjas Fracas - Key Takeaways
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Saurabh Mukherjee who was peddled as an ABVP Activist by the Hindu (Postcard News) |
Over the past week and a half, we have been celebrating another drama of ABVP ‘goons’ protesting violently against an event that was scheduled to have Mr Umar Khaled and Ms Shehla Rashid of the JNU fame in attendance and even as speakers. Needless to say, when the event was canceled by the college principal at the protest of ABVP, a whole bunch of left affiliated All India Students Association (AISA) and Students Federation of India (SFI) started protesting without any permission within the college premises, and within a few minutes, led by the members of the leftist dominated Delhi University Teachers Association (DUTA), decided to call for azadi of Bastar, Kashmir, Manipur and every other part of the country (god knows if they realize if we could do with some azadi from their daily regurgitation of nonsense, and there is evidence that cannot be fudged or deliberately tainted this time). As ABVP members gathered to protest against this, violence broke out, wherein ABVP responded in kind to the sexual harassment of its female cadre (there was no alleged - there are enough pictures to prove that ABVP women activists were far more grievously injured but did not play victim for it - having learnt no lessons from the left of course) as well as physical assault on male cadres (the ever so holier than thou Communist Hindu tried passing a picture of SFI president Saurabh Mukherjee beating up a defenceless student as an ABVP activist). This was followed by an Aam Aadmi Party member, a daughter of an army martyr, taking a holier than thou stand on the issue, saying she is not afraid of ABVP - well there is no need to, since the real perpetrators of violence against women have always been the left affiliated students unions. In the meantime, we had journalists of the Adarsh kind, who indulge in fisticuffs in New York or love peddling their ‘kaun jaat’ brand of journalism to us, telling us how ABVP is the biggest threat to democracy that ever came into existence, and that these are signs of fascism that is spreading thick and fast in India. Certain other journalists in order to defend the Susu Kumar type activists even indulged in name calling and shaming certain celebrities whose only crime was to crack a joke on senseless logic given by a girl who should rather visit a psychiatrist than ration card maker Arvind Kejriwal’s party headquarters (as if she is the only martyr’s daughter we have in this country - forgotten Col Rai’s daughter so easily?). Using a whole lot of rhetoric when one of them proved to be too strong to handle intellectually, one Rana Ayyub called out their statehood into the picture, saying men from Haryana don’t know what it is like to be a woman, and all they can do is to kill women. She got it back from Commonwealth games medallists Phogat sisters, who called out her absolute intellectual bankruptcy on the matter by asking her what she knows about Haryana. Baffled by the strong backlash, another Bongo dada type cheap satirist tried to troll these guys, and got the ass thrashing he will not forget easily. Another pretentious stand up comedian got caught out for misogyny when he labeled that charge, for he had ‘innocently’ trolled Smriti Irani. When that did not work, the trump card by the name of Javed Akhtar was called out, who resorted to name calling by calling these wrestlers who brought much more glory to India than his plagiarized movies as semi literate who know nothing. Ironic, given his own son is a college drop out. In this fracas, when he tried to troll further, we saw more names being called out to the Phogat sisters by this bunch of liberals (thankfully the ‘wise one’ Shobha De did not jump in with her expert opinion) and questions were raised on what they know about martyrs and their kids, which is laughable since nearly every village in Haryana has lost at least one son to war and/or terrorism. In the midst of all this, a ‘seriously injured’ Shehla Rashid turns up in NDTV studios where under the magic studio lights all her injuries healed in a jiffy where her word on molestation was taken as gospel, while an ABVP girl was featured saying she was ‘allegedly’ molested by the AISA and SFI hoodlums. A professor of the English department appealed against violence on the one hand on TV while he preaches azadi from his other mouth that remains hidden from the TV cameras. In the meantime, it turns out that the man who threatened the martyr girl of rape was an AISA activist, for whose rights she was supposedly fighting, and the only one to file and FIR for her safety is the vice president of ABVP.
While all this was happening, we had a police statement being thrown at us, saying Susu Kumar did not shout azadi slogans, completely disregarding the fact that organization of such an event in itself constitutes a crime.
So, here are the key takeaways
1. Liberal trolling and abusing of women is not abuse and trolling; it is freedom of expression as long as it is a Sanghi idiot dog whistle of a woman like Smriti Irani or the brave ABVP girl who has come out to complain. A joke however is nothing less than patriarchal misogyny that is deep rooted in the chauvinistic male mindsets of a couple of Jats from Delhi and Haryana. Even the sexual harassment of women is classified as forceful action to justify it if it has been done by a certain section of ideal liberals of India.
2. AISA and SFI killing student activists of ABVP and political workers of opposition parties in Kerala and Bengal on a daily basis is secular practice of freedom of expression, whereas a scratch is a threat to democracy.
3. Rape threats are given by only the rabid communal Sanghis. What the leftists give is a call for forceful sex, like they did in Marichjhapi, Singur and Nandigram among other places.
4. Journalists of New Delhi have only respect for those who are either leftists or can speak English with a pretentious tinge. They do not believe that a desi looking Hindi speaking activist who is not a leftist has the right to be heard or be seen. When caught off guard by evidence, they resort to the standard fascism threat call.
5. Anyone who does not agree with leftist or liberal ideology in this country is a fascist communal Sanghi. That is because the real fascists always try to paint an eternal enemy they have to fight against to proven their reason of existence in a world otherwise that looks at them with utter ridicule.
6. Freedom of expression is only for those who propagate leftist and liberal thought, not for those who beg to differ in our wonderful Lutyens drawing room obsessed media houses. So blind they and the political opposition will be to the alternate voices that they will cross all lines of decency in abusing the others.
P.S. Don’t give me any gyan on martyrdom. I hail from a village where every house gave a martyr, including mine.