The Missionaries of Charity Case and the Duplicity of Media Narrative

Source: Zee News

The shocking case of the sale of babies recorded in the Missionaries of Charity centre in Jharkhand is the latest in a series of cases of frauds perpetuated by organizations representing 'Christian interests' coming into limelight. There was an even more shocking case of St James 'hospice' in Tamil Nadu that was selling organs by literally killing off old people, recording more than one thousand patient deaths in less than 2 years time. Much water has flown under the bridge, and yet, the media does not have time to discuss the ghastly nature of such a case and many others; instead, efforts are found to say how these are mere aberrations in the otherwise holy, saintly efforts of a community and its clergy to uplift the poor downtrodden unwashed masses of India.

There have been so many instances where several evangelical organizations in India have been allowed to become bigger than the law in more than one way. Various Church denominations of Catholics, Protestants, Orthodoxy and many many other sects have more than once brazenly asked the police and judiciary to 'stay out of their matters'. Asking the Church denominations and their Archdioceses in India to explain land grabbing, asset misappropriation and fund embezzlement is a matter of 'interference in religious affairs'. Similarly, repeated cases of sexual abuse and the rapes and murder of women is shielded by publications affiliated to the Church denominations as an 'attack on Christian people'. Income tax exemptions for priests and nuns for teaching jobs is a must - government be damned.

The fraud is not new. One must remember how 'Mother' Teresa was allowed to get away for decades in the garb of service with what can only be described as wilful murder of the dying. 'The Keys to St Peter' is a statement that should have shaken the conscience of many in this country; alas, it remains confined to the dustbin of public memory, thanks much to the cabal of Lutyens Delhi that finds greater commonality for several obvious and perverse reasons with the Papacy and not the Indic traditions replete with the spirit of sevA and svAdhyAya, and find the idea of needless intentional and malafide suffering a lilting, moving experience. The brazenness of legality does not stem entirely from the nature of the institution; it also has much to do with legal mollycoddling that these institutions have received for long.What has also remained constant is the duplicity of the narrative in the mainstream media. Recent field reports by Madhu Kishwar on subversion have also been conveniently ignore.

The only way to defeat this narrative now is to ensure that the truth spreads out fast. Educating people about the criminality of these fraud institutions needs to be undertaken so that there is no doubt left. Strict state action is also merited, which can come only if people will react angrily. We all know what needs to be done; the time to do it was yesterday.


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