
Showing posts with the label government

Ditch the Budget, Go for Five Reforms Instead Dear Prime Minister

  Prime Minister Narendra Modi Addressing Media Ahead of the Budget Session 2025 For the last few years, we have been solely missing reform in our government action. Instead, we have been seeing an attempt at tax tinkering in the name of simplification, not just for individuals, but also for corporates, being passed off as reforms. Now, the problem, as Professor Prassana Tantri explains well in this chat on the popular podcast Vaad, is that these things will be meaningless in the presence of tax targets being set regularly to fund government expenditure. It is a must watch, and can be seen at the link below. This literally hurts – India cannot be a consumption economy like the United States of America, despite all the people who are perhaps advising the government to do so, inspired by the motherland of the Chicago School of Economics which is widespread across American thought. However, the policy advisory of raising funds comes from the European model, which a country with 800 mi...

Just Who are the Real Anti-Science People in India? The Government, or the Media?

The Circus Called Indian Media (courtesy: Mint) The latest advisory of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on treating COVID-19 gains praise from a wide spectrum of the medical and scientific community for its evidence-based approach towards COVID management . Also, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi went on record to laud India’s scientific community for their invaluable contribution to the nation’s fight against the COVID pandemic. However, given the utterly deplorable and false propaganda of a section of India’s liberal community, it is time to ask a few tough questions of the eminent liberals of our country who think they know more than scientists. Modi Government’s Multiple Steps in Sync with Science That the oh so liberal liberati of India was bereft of any cranial abilities was well known. What has been on demonstration for more than a year and a half however account for nothing less than plagiarism. The word plagiarism is used because the model templates that their ...

Has There Been Callousness in Managing COVID During Elections? Looking at the Numbers

Courtesy: India TV There has been a lot of criticism about the Election Commission's handling of the COVID pandemic. One would imply that the cases have exploded as a result of the electioneering in India. There is no logic behind this argument for a simple reason - this logic flies in the face of the fact that states like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Punjab should not have been facing any outbreaks of the kind that are reeling under, given there are no elections there. Even if one were to believe that logic, the numbers should have actually reflected the spike within a month's time. The reason behind the month's timeline is that the cases take at least a week to surface and another two to three weeks to be clear from the human system for the survivors and mildly affected people. Assuming that a person was affected within seven days of attending a rally or a roadshow, the numbers should start reflecting in the moving average.  When one takes up the data for t...

Budget 2021 Has Dared to Mute Populism

  It has been a very long time since a budget actually cut short on frills and embellishments and took head on some of India’s bigger challenges. Political messaging in India for long has been couched in the poverty driven, gareeb kalyan , redistributive mindset which while seemingly right has made politicians forsake growth as a political strategy. To that end, the Narendra Modi government’s Budget 2021 with Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman have displayed a rare step - a break from the voter driven politics of India and actually pushing for growth. For the longest time, India’s political class has been deriving the wrong messages from electoral politics. This misplaced belief that free goodies, subsidies and coverage for all will somehow be able to buy the voter’s support has caused much damage to the economy. What has often been forgotten is that you can only distribute what you earn, and distributing wealth instead of poverty is what the voters would rather prefer. It is ...