
Ditch the Budget, Go for Five Reforms Instead Dear Prime Minister

  Prime Minister Narendra Modi Addressing Media Ahead of the Budget Session 2025 For the last few years, we have been solely missing reform in our government action. Instead, we have been seeing an attempt at tax tinkering in the name of simplification, not just for individuals, but also for corporates, being passed off as reforms. Now, the problem, as Professor Prassana Tantri explains well in this chat on the popular podcast Vaad, is that these things will be meaningless in the presence of tax targets being set regularly to fund government expenditure. It is a must watch, and can be seen at the link below. This literally hurts – India cannot be a consumption economy like the United States of America, despite all the people who are perhaps advising the government to do so, inspired by the motherland of the Chicago School of Economics which is widespread across American thought. However, the policy advisory of raising funds comes from the European model, which a country with 800 mi...

Bursting the Jammu Kashmir State Myth and Why Jammu will Continue to Get the Raw Deal

How Much Longer - Kud is a Dance Form That Very Few People can Practice Now (credit: Daily Excelsior) Narratives are foundational to building myths and legends. More often than nott, state narrative building is an army unto itself as an entity, working with the operators and managers for shaping people's thoughts. If you ask CHATGPT for the definition of state narrative building, as I did, chances are you'll get the following curt response: State narrative building refers to the deliberate crafting and promotion of a particular story or perspective by a government to shape public opinion, identity, or national image. This narrative may involve promoting certain values, historical interpretations, policies, or ideologies to create a unified vision of a nation's past, present, or future. It can be used to legitimize the government's authority, foster nationalism, and influence both domestic and international perceptions. State narratives can be disseminated through variou...

Till Death Do Us Apart - All We Learnt from the Death of a Girl Due to Her Job

 The recent story of the death of a young girl due to stress and overwork at a reputed firm isn't new for some of us. But what it does tell us is that we as a society are screwed. We are wasting ourselves to oblivion. No, it's not about fame, but about becoming insignificant even to your own children and family members to the point of indifference. Your so called sacrifices and efforts will mean nothing to them. Be honest - do your kids have the same connect with you as yours was with your parents? No.  Technology isn't the sole factor, as many of us want to assert - it's a mere distraction. The real problem is broken families, broken hearts, disappointed children and saddened eyes that lead us up the wrong bark of the value judgment tree. Yes, we want money, but for what? The day you die, no one will be there to speak a few good words at your memoriam. There will be none to even undertake your final rites because you were not there for them, having slogged to “provide ...

मुबारक मंडी की कहानी, जम्मू प्रति सौतेले व्यवहार का प्रतीक

2019 का वर्ष भारत किए एकता और अखंडता के इतिहास में एक विशेष महत्त्व रखता है। धरा 370 को संशोधित कर एवं जम्मू - कश्मीर और लद्दाख को दो केंद्र शासित राज्यों का दर्जा देकर केंद्र सरकार ने इतिहास की एक बहुत बड़ी गलती को सुधारने की दिशा में पहला ठोस प्रयास किया। दशकों के अंधकार के पश्चात जब एक आशा की किरण दिखती है, तो संभवतः प्रताड़ित जनमानस के मन में असंख्य भाव जागते हैं, अपेक्षाएं जागती हैं। ऐसा ही कुछ जम्मू के लोगों के साथ भी हुआ, जो अंधकारमय तूफ़ान में आशा की किरण की प्रतीक्षा में खड़े रहे। जम्मू प्रजा परिषद् का आंदोलन हो या अमरनाथ संघर्ष समिति, हर अवसर पर जम्मू के लोगों ने "भारत माता की जय!" का उद्घोष करा और भारत की अखंडता के लिए बलिदान दिए। अलगाववादी सोच वाले चरमपंथी नेताओं के दबदबे के विरूद्ध सदैव खड़े रहे, और विचारधाराओं के टकराव में बराबर की टक्कर देते रहे। कितने कुठाराघात के बावजूद जम्मू के जनमानस ने भारत, उसके संविधान और उसके न्याय तंत्र में अपना अटूट विश्वास नहीं छोड़ा - तब भी जब उन्हें कश्मीर घाटी के अलगाववादी नेताओं के साथ जोड़कर देखा गया। किन्तु ३७० के संशोधन पश्चात् जम्मू...

What if ? A Historical Theory Simulation

As devout Hindus around the world in their millions celebrated the return of Ram Lalla in Ayodhya in a new mandir , it is fitting that Jai Shri Rama is the new zeitgest. People greeting each other with the name of Rama sets a new standard of vocabulary. And this is what gets me thinking about a less discussed incident in the mists of time that makes me wonder every time - what if...? Orchha in the ravines of Chambal on the Madhya Pradesh side of Bundelkhand has been the stronghold of Bundelas for long. The beautiful but haunting hamlet today was once the capital of the Bundelas, and housed many such amazing structures, The historic town sits on the banks of river Betwa. Founded in the 16th century by the Bundela Rajput Chief, Rudra Pratap, the city is a major tirtha for its Rama Raja Mandir, where Shri Rama is worshipped as the King of Orchha and gets a 21 gun salute every evening after the aarti . Rama Raja Temple of Orchha (credit: Kandukuru Nagarjun  ) The story of the temp...

Of Free Televisions and Outcomes - How We Miss the Woods for the Trees

Erstwhile Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, K. Karunanidhi, launching the free colour TV scheme in 2006 (source: Rediff ) Recently, a storm unleashed itself on Twitter, as a famous YouTuber came on a popular podcast and made a bizarre claim. Free television distribution, it seems, led to improvement in the outcomes of women. And that is good economics. While I don't watch things all the time, what caught my fancy was the defence of the absurdity since. One journal paper was quoted by the YouTuber in question, and was touted as proof of good economics also being associated with freebies. Again, I usually don't comment on freebies, because I think all freebies as a rule are bad. Freebies raise the cost of service across the economy, create greater entry barriers for the poor that they are supposed to serve, and eventually distract from actual welfare spending on such issues as healthcare and education. However, the absurdity on this was so high that I wanted to write for a change. On...

खैट - एक प्रसंग

"भुला! ये खैट पर्वत किस ओर पड़ेगा?" उस लड़के ने ऐसे देखा, मानो साँप सूँघ गया। "मुझे नहीं पता," इतना कहकर वो एकदम तेज़ी से चलने लगा, और क्षण भर में भाग कर अदृश्य सा हो गया। दीपक और उसका मित्र वरुण दोनो ने यह निर्णय किया था के वो अंधविश्वास के विरुद्ध मुहिम छेड़ेंगे। दिल्ली में विज्ञान विषय पढ़ने के बाद उनका दैवीय शक्ति, भूत, अभिचार, इन सब को संदेह से देखना आम बात थी। फिर क्या था -, सत्यशोधन समाज की सदस्यता लेकर उन्होंने जगह जगह जाकर अंधविश्वास के विरुद्ध जागरूकता फैलाने का काम शुरू किया। अभी भी कॉलेज में ही थे, लेकिन शेष समय में जगह जगह जाकर समाज का काम करना उनकी पहचान बन गया था। "कमाल है," वरुण ने एक सिगरेट निकाली और लाइटर से सुलगा कर एक कश भरा। "तीसरा व्यक्ति है, जो बिन बताए चला गया," यह कहकर वरुण ने सिगरेट को दीपक के साथ साझा किया। दीपक ने उस सिगरेट से एक कश भरा, और लौटा दिया। टिहरी के खैट की यह यात्रा बहुत ही कठिन होती जा रही थी। यातायात की समस्या, फिर सड़क की दुर्घटनाएं, ऊपर से लोगों का असहयोग। सब कुछ ही देख लिया था, लेकिन चलो, ऐसा ही होता है...